5 ways to ease your kids into back-to-school mode
It’s that special time of year again… summer vacation is drawing to a close, and back to school season is on the horizon. Getting your family ready for the school year ahead is no easy feat, but we hope that these five tips help you and your kids ease in gradually.
1. Early to bed, early to rise…
It’s only natural for your kids to want to stay up later in the summer, when there’s no bus to catch in the morning. But now is a perfect time to start establishing some bedtimes that everyone sticks to. In fact, if you can set up a bedtime and wakeup routine two or three weeks before school starts, the school day routine will be less of a shock.
2. Plan healthy lunches & snacks
Taking time now to consider which healthy meals and snacks to send your kids to school with will make your life a lot easier during the school year. Packing wholesome snacks and lunches and making sure they take their Sundown® Kids vitamins regularly will help them thrive throughout the day.
3. Clean out those closets
It’s never a fun task, but it’s a necessary one nonetheless. Go through your kids’ clothes and set aside the items they’ve outgrown to donate to charity. When you head out to do your back-to-school shopping, you’ll have a better idea of exactly what your children need.
4. Set up a school-centric area
A foyer, mudroom, corner of the kitchen, or hallway… dedicating an area of your home where you can store everything related to school will help cut down on the chaos. Having everyone’s backpacks, homework, even the next day’s outfits in this one area will guarantee that you’ll be able to quickly find what you need, when you need it.
5. Talk to your kids
Back-to-school time is often exciting, but can also be nerve-wracking for kids. Take some time to ask them what they’re most excited about, and listen to their answers enthusiastically. Give them a chance to confess anything that may be worrying them, as well – having this talk before school starts can help easy any back-to-school jitter
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